


迎接2023年 & 2024年十大电竞游戏综合排名·利曼法学院研究员


Anusha商人是十大电竞游戏综合排名的大三学生,攻读政治学学位,主修民族和种族研究. 作为Liman研究员, she served as a legal intern at Government Accountability Project, 协助高级法律顾问进行诉讼,以促进公司和政府的问责制, 保护告密者, 促进言论自由. 以前, she worked at Columbia's Knight First Amendment Institutie, conducting research to support the organization's free speech 学者hip. She has also worked as a legal intern at CAIR-NY, protecting civil rights and promoting justice for Muslim Americans, 和她一样. Through this work and the Liman Fellowship, Anusha对社会正义充满了热情,并希望在公共利益和第一修正案权利方面追求未来的职业.



劳伦周, 来自马尼拉的大四学生, 菲律宾, 在法律预科课程上主修历史,辅修政治学. Her interest in Asian American communities in 纽约市 is personal. As an Asian American who has spent most of her life outside the United States, 她一直关注法拉盛, 皇后区— where her grandparents and aunt live — as a home away from home. As part of the Arthur Liman Fellowship, 劳伦在美籍华人规划委员会的总法律顾问手下实习,该委员会是一个致力于为纽约市的亚洲移民社区赋权的组织. 受到她经历的启发, 她正在把自己的热情投入到她的毕业论文和杰出学者项目中, 探讨亚洲移民对法拉盛商业环境的影响, 皇后区, 1965后.


艾德琳拉森, 原产于芝加哥, is a sociology major and English minor with a concentration in human rights. 今年夏天, 她回到家乡,在大都会家庭服务法律援助协会实习, 和他们的安全与家庭实践小组一起在市家庭暴力法院工作. 在校园, Adeline is involved with student-led 移民 justice work and the Justice-In-Education initiative at Rikers; she also plays cello with the Columbia Bach Society. Adeline plans to take time off before heading to law school, 为她未来的法律宣传工作奠定基础,实现社区驱动的解决方案和全人护理的理想. 



Liman奖学金为Dana提供了在The Brave House担任律师助理实习生的机会, a non-profit in Brooklyn servicing young immigrant women. 戴娜整个夏天都在创始人的指导下完成了一个完整的庇护案, and ultimately filing the case in late september. 戴娜学到了很多公益法律工作的新方面, and still maintains her connections with Liman Fellows from other schools.



Guadalupe Vasquez is a junior double-majoring in Human Rights & 西班牙和拉丁美洲文化. 她对移民司法充满热情,并计划攻读法学院,成为一名移民律师. 作为Liman法律研究员, she will intern with Jubilee Immigration Advocates, 这是一家总部位于旧金山的律师事务所,代表旧金山湾区最脆弱和最边缘化的移民社区.



安娜·维多利亚是一名主修权利、法律和国家的历史系大四学生. She is deeply interested in the legal intersections of border surveillance, 移民, 劳动力, 以及持续的帝国主义. Ana Victoria will work on the Immigration/Special Litigation team at 正义动员是一个非营利组织,为处于社会边缘的纽约人提供免费法律服务.


Esther Park is a junior at Barnard, studying Political Science and Religion. 为了利曼奖学金, 她将通过与麦克纳尔蒂基金会合作,作为暑期助理,专注于项目和推广,扩大她在慈善领域的职业生涯.

Lanah Wyne, 25岁

Lanah is a junior pursuing a major in political science and human rights. 作为一个土生土长的纽约人, Lanah被提供了许多宝贵的经验来参与她的社区. 她坚定地致力于通过法律宣传促进平等诉诸司法.


Emma Kaneira is an English Literature and Economics double major from Texas. 今年夏天 she will be interning at the New York Legal Assistance Group, 这是纽约一家致力于为低收入纽约人提供法律服务的非营利组织. 以前 she was a Laidlaw Scholar, 去年夏天在宾夕法尼亚大学的不稳定档案研究小组工作. She hopes to attend law school after graduating from Barnard.


The Summer 2024 application to the Liman法律研究员项目 is now 关闭. Applicants will be notified of their application status by mid-March.

利曼法律研究员计划为希望在服务公众利益的组织工作的十大电竞游戏综合排名学生提供资金和支持. 十大电竞游戏综合排名大学是全美仅有的八所大学之一(其他两所是布朗大学), 布林莫尔学院, 哈佛大学, 普林斯顿大学, 斯佩尔曼学院, 斯坦福大学, 和耶鲁大学),本科生有资格参加这个项目. 利曼奖学金获得者将花一个夏天的时间在公共资助或非营利组织或机构中获得促进社会正义和公平的专业经验. 合格的工作包括为公众提供法律相关服务——比如帮助那些负担不起律师费用的人——以及支持服务不足社区的宣传和政策工作.

Liman Fellows will take part in the Liman Colloquium, held every April at Yale Law School, 他们将在哪里加入学生, 学者, and advocates from around the country. Through their involvement with the program and the Colloquium, Fellows become part of a robust network of public interest advocates.

任何进入二年级、三年级或四年级的学生都有资格,无论他们的专业是什么. Intention to apply to law school is not required.



  • $5,000 stipend; Fellows are eligible for subsidized on-campus housing at 十大电竞游戏综合排名
  • 在公共资助或非营利性公共利益机构进行8-10周的暑期实习, 社会服务, 文化, 或者政府机构
  • 一份详细描述学生实习经历的最终报告将在夏季结束时提交给利曼基金会


  • 学生 entering their second, third, or fourth year
  • Interest in public interest services, advocacy, and social justice
  • Commitment to participate in an internship for 8-10 weeks
  • 渴望并有能力参加耶鲁法学院Liman学术讨论会(必须参加), and costs of attendance are covered by 世界十大电子游戏平台)

请注意,担任法官文书工作或担任学术研究员/助理不符合工作经验. Questions about the program can be addressed to


十大电竞游戏综合排名的利曼法律研究员已经在一系列机构开始了职业生涯. Information about their Liman Placement is included below:


  • Sharmie Azurel '23 (Liman Fellows Placement: Asian American Bar of New York)
  • 维多利亚Cadostin '23 (Liman Fellows Placement: National Immigration Law Center)
  • Renata Happle '24 (Liman Fellows Placement: Earth Law Center)
  • 玛丽·英格拉姆 '23 (Liman Fellows Placement: Brooklyn Defender 服务)


  • 托比海岸 '22 (Liman Fellows Placement: Youth Justice Network)
  • 娜塔莉·罗曼 '22 (Liman Fellows Placement: Children's Defense Fund)
  • Niharika饶 '23, (Liman Fellows Placement: New York Legal Assistance Group)
  • 卡罗琳·科尔 '22 (Liman Fellows Placement: Civil Rights Clinic at Cardozo Law School)


  • 瑞秋巴尔金 '22 (Liman Fellows Placement: Emerging Adult Justice Project)
  • 亚历山德拉Berdon '21 (Liman Fellows Placement: 第九条, 哥伦比亚大学 School of Law)
  • 尼基塔Samtani 21年(Liman Fellows Placement: Center for Alternative Sentencing and Employment 服务)
  • 茱莉亚Tecotzky '21 (Liman Fellows Placement: Center for Appellate Litigation)


  • Iga Szlendak '21 (Liman Fellows Placement: The Legal 援助 Society)
  • 娜塔莉卡恩 '20 (Liman Fellows Placement: New York Supreme Court)
  • Samaha侯赛因 '20 (Liman Fellows Placement: New York Legal 援助 Society)
  • 安娜Sugrue 20年(利曼研究员安置:哥伦比亚大学法学院诊所挑战大规模监禁的后果)


  • 智囊机构Pitcher-Murray ’19 (Liman Fellows Placement: The Door)
  • 玫瑰Reiken ’20 (Liman Fellows Placement: The Children's Law Center)
  • 露丝谢尔曼 ’19 (Liman Fellows Placement: Legal research for Professor Brett Dignam, Columbia Law School Mass Incarceration Clinic)
  • Shreya Sunderram 19利曼研究员安置:纽约市公共倡导者Letitia James办公室的法律和政策部门, Civil Rights Investigations and Policy)